Code Dart

Multiple input, List of Maps data structure

import 'dart:io';

void main() {
  List<Map<String, dynamic>> priceLists = [
    {'product_id': '101', 'price': 10},
    {'product_id': '202', 'price': 25},
    {'product_id': '303', 'price': 5}

  String? inputLine = stdin.readLineSync();
  List<String> data = inputLine!.split(' ');

  String I = data[0];
  int Q = int.parse(data[1]);

  if (Q >= 0 && Q <= 20000) {
    for (var priceList in priceLists) {
      if (priceList['product_id'] == I) {
        int result = priceList['price'] * Q;
  } else {
    print("Out of Range");

Map Data Type [Problem: Identify Fruit name according to Fruit ID]

import 'dart:io';

void main() {

  Map<int, String> fruitMap = {
    31231: "Banana",
    23456: "Apple",
    78901: "Mango",
    45678: "Orange",

  int fruitId = int.parse(stdin.readLineSync()!);
  if (fruitMap.containsKey(fruitId)) {
    String fruitName = fruitMap[fruitId]!;
  } else {
    print("Fruit not found");

Problem Statement

Write a program to create a function that takes two arguments: the original price and the discount percentage as integers and returns the final price after the discount.

The input consists of two integers: the original price and the discount.

The output will print the final price after discount which will be a float number.

import 'dart:io';
double calculateFinalPrice(int originalPrice, int discount) {
  if (originalPrice < 0) {
    return 0.0; // Ensure the price is non-negative

  if (discount < 0 || discount > 100) {
    return originalPrice.toDouble(); // No discount or invalid discount percentage

  double discountAmount = originalPrice * (discount / 100);
  double finalPrice = originalPrice - discountAmount;

  return finalPrice;

void main() {

  // Read multiple input in same line
  String input = stdin.readLineSync()!;
  List<int> parts = input.split(' ').map(int.parse).toList();

  int originalPrice = parts[0];
  int discount = parts[1];

  double finalPrice = calculateFinalPrice(originalPrice, discount);

  print('Price: ${finalPrice.toStringAsFixed(2)}');